Why see a Financial Planner?
Before their first introductory consultation, a lot of people who went on to become our clients were not aware of everything that we are able to help them with. Here are some of the many issues / events / questions that we help our clients with everyday.

- Retirement / Pre-retirement planning
- Lifestyle planning
- I need a financial / lifestyle coach to keep me on track and accountable
- Commencing / changing employment / redundancy
- Changing relationships status i.e. marriage / divorce
- Having children / adopting
- Educating your children
- Death or disability / I want to protect my family’s financial future
- I need life / disability / income protection / critical illness insurances
- Does my estate planning need reviewing / should I have a Will and Power of Attorney?
- Buying or selling a home / other property / business or farm
- I need a home loan
- I need business or property finance
- Inheritance / windfall / received a lump sum from the sale of an asset
- I want to know how Superannuation works
- Is a self-managed super fund suited to me?
- How should I Invest my super?
- I want to consolidate my super funds
- Budgeting & cash flow management
- Should I be salary sacrificing / salary packaging?
- Saving for retirement / building long term wealth
- I am not happy with my investment returns / I want to save faster
- What should I invest in (property, shares, fixed interest, cash etc or a combination)?
- How do I manage the risks of investing?
- What Centrelink benefits do I qualify for? / am I entitled too?
- I need help applying for Centrelink benefits
- I or one of my family members is moving into aged care
- I am paying too much Tax
- How can I reduce my debts sooner?
- I want borrow to Invest
- Buying or selling shares
- I want better rates on my term deposits / at call funds